Whether you like learning independently or as a group, OA is the place for you on your journey of learning the basics of Ojibwe Language. One of Isadore's strongest messages is "Its not about the dialect". This class is not intended to say who has the right or wrong way of teaching, what really matters is that we understand what we are trying to say and being able to communicate among each other. One communities dialect maybe different, slower or faster then the next but that does not mean the words mean any different. The message is still the same! That is like saying "Hello" or "Yo". Both words means hello just in different contexts that we both understand....
OA encourages everyone to learn together, here's how!:
- Sit with your friend, boyfriend/girlfriend
- Gather with your children
- Ask your parents to join you
- Have your grandparents, aunts or uncles join you
- Throw the class on your Big Screen TV and learn together at home
- Great idea of Children or Youth Evening Program Activities
- Parenting Classes can incorporate Ojibwe Classes in your program
- Coffee Houses
- Ambient Sound while you are cleaning......
Come, Be Creative & Learn Anishinaabemowin With US!